

Impact of climate change on bushfires
Climate change does not cause bushfires, but it does make them worse. Australia is a land of bushfires but this season’s bushfire catastrophe is not normal. Australia has been experiencing more frequent intense heatwaves and prolonged dry periods that have created tinderbox conditions. Global heating is making droughts more severe and fires hotter and more frequent, as we have seen this season. We must all do our bit to protect our world from climate disaster – failure to act will make extreme weather standard, with deadly consequences for people and nature.


★今回、オーストラリアの男女ユニット Kllo はバンドキャンプから急遽新作を発売スターティン。現在もずーっと続くオーストラリアの大規模な森林火災を受け、野生生物の保護活動を行なっている非営利組織「Wildlife Victoria」への寄付を目的に販売しています。バンドキャンプの良いところは定価ではなく募金額を自分で設定できる仕組みになっているところですね。

Our beautiful country is experiencing hell right now and NEEDS all the help it can get. Here are a couple of tracks that we love that didn’t make the cut for our upcoming album – which we are releasing in hope to raise much needed funds. 100% of proceeds will be donated to Wildlife Victoria, Fire Relief for First Nations communities and CFA/CFS fire services. We appreciate any contribution 🙂 Thank you ❤