カナダ、オンタリオ州 ウィッチチャーチ=スタフビルって場所から、㊤みたいなお姿で、実に暗い乙女フォークのシンガー・ソングライターをやってたニコル・ドールアンガンガーさん。そんな彼女が。

Nicole Dollanganger – You’re So Cool

熱病にでもかかったんでしょう。か。か。か。数年前の2015年に、Grimes グライムスがはじめたレーベル Eerie Organization(イーリー・オルガニゼーション)から覆面姿で、ドリームポップ色強めのアルバム「Natural Born Losers」で第1号デビュー。ちょっとびびった。

Nicole Dollanganger – Lemonade
Nicole Dollanganger – Lemonade
Nicole Dollanganger – Alligator Blood

drinking a cup of alligator blood
tastes like the heads & feet we’d see
for sale at the local pawn
we’d make necklaces out of
i’d wear them round my neck
i’m a sucker for the love of the flesh
all things rancid and delicate
but the smell in the summer heat
it still gets to me

ドリーム・ポップにスロウ・コアが積算されナニカ Grimes みたく猟奇的な彼女をめざしてどっか切実に奮闘中。病気はほんでもって加速中なのだ。

Nicole Dollanganger – Heart Shaped Bed
Nicole Dollanganger – Whispering Glades

When you’re dead and buried with a smile painted on your face
Your eulogy like poetry, flowers overwhelming the wake
Where I’m sure as in your life there will be beautiful women there in your death
Crying out they swear they will love you until their very own last dying breath
‘Cause you just have this way of charming those
Who catch your eye like shiny things
With a face made for daytime TV shows
You’re a nightmare disguised as a good dream
Will we actually get to go to gigs this year?
how deep is your love

Nicole Dollanganger – Gold Satin Dreamer

Light bleeds in through the curtain lace
Sleep on the couch where the flowers stay
And never bloom, but only fade
In the sun

I fill the bath while I dream of the lake
I can smell the blood purged from raw steak
By the barbecue on a summer day
In the sun

But I find you here, in the blue light of the TV
And I feel you in the wind
Through the back screen at night
With the kitchen tile cold on my cheek
I love you, baby

Gold satin dreamer
Gold satin heart
Gold satin dreamer
Waiting for it to get dark
I wait for it to get dark