昨年開催されたアイスランドのお祭り、わっしょい! Iceland Airwaves には、日本の Chai やら、Ayelle, Anna of the North, JFDR, ROE, Otha, Vök, Hachiku, girl in red, Æ Mak などこのブログで紹介したアーティストが出演してました。そこに登場してたのが地元レイキャビクの内向的で暗めで実にエニグマっぽいボーカルの可憐なオルタナ・エレクトロ・ポップ、Sunna Margrét

Sunna Margrét (previously part of electro pop band Bloodgroup) is the solo moniker of the artist Sunna Margrét Þórisdóttir, an Icelandic born and raised, Atlantic ocean creature that haunts your nightmares with her soothing voice. Emerging from the cold fjords, she travelled to the mainland of Europe and sought experience at an art school in Switzerland, gaining a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts. Mostly sticking to the abstract electronica, Sunna is known for her sensorial, atmospheric and emotive live shows, pinned together with her passion for performance art. Her shows encompass installation and visual projections, mapping the stage with stimulating images that reflect the mood and narrative of her music, sometimes described as psychedelic, delivering euphoric tunes that beg to be played on repeat. Her latest release was the first single from her upcoming EP titled ’Art of history’ coming out on No Salad Records, in the fall of 2019.

“At a time when many of her Icelandic peers strive to fill space from the get-go with attitude but end up sounding bombastic, Sunna delivers a euphoric tune that begs to be played on repeat, hinting at greater things to come.” – The Line of Best Fit

“Built from enigmatic lyrics circling around an Alice In Wonderland echoing mysterious drink, it’s poised between heavy beats and a delicate riff, and all that comes together in track that doesn’t sound like too much else out there right now. It’s got a gravitational pull-level of strange appeal, and is so compelling that it’s hard to stay away from the replay button.” – Ja Ja Ja Music

Sunna Margrét