In a universe in another world
Something like distant lovers
Now we’re in different places
I think it’s just what happens

“I just want to allow the universe to speak through me right now. What is it that I want to say? How do I truly feel?” These are the questions Rania Woodard found herself asking alongside bandmate Brian Squillace while working on their debut album, Music For The Future (out March 3rd via Run For Cover Records). In the Spring of 2021, Woodard and Squillace decamped to a remote cabin in northern Georgia to work on their new album. Beginning each day with a clear intention to create without expectations, the pair found themselves immediately inspired by their surroundings, and felt a deep connection to the spiritual world around them. “What happens right now is what’s meant to happen,” Woodard says. It is this undercurrent of unyielding trust that runs through Music For The Future.

水際ポップ第9号なんだけど。水とあんまし関係なくて恐縮ですがなかなか冴えてて良いでしょ。psychedelic pop フロリダ発。RANIA WOODARD、BRIAN SQUILLACE の二人組、心を溶かすベッドルーム・おサイケポップデュオ、LANNDS。ジョージアの人里離れた山小屋で録音した楽曲は洗練されたプロダクションで精神世界との深いつながりを感じさせる、親密で感情的な作品です。それよか「Music For The Future」ってアルバムタイトルが抜群すぎて屁もでません。

御花屋 – 海月の夢(demo)


Zoe Gotusso – Maria

Está que parte el sol, te quiero ver
Bailando alrededor, me quemo
Tocame el corazón vas a ver
Que lo que tengo es bueno
Tu cuerpo sigue en mi nueva canción
Sé que mi cantar es bueno
Si marco “un, dos, tres”, serán tus pies
Los que bailen de nuevo.


Zoe Gotusso - María

Juli Goncalves – La Eternidad de las Cosas

ジュリエタさんはスペインのすこしおかしい musica 女優、スパニッシュシンガー、ソングライター、ダンサー。わたしを探しに来ないでください、いま航海しています
En la inmensidad del aire
Encuentro el tiempo, a destiempo
Si lo ves otra vez
Te vas bien lejos
Si me pierdo en la manera de jugar
No te asustes
No me vengas a buscar
Estoy navegando

BLU-SWING / クラゲ Kurage

Riki – Porque Te Vas (cover)

Porque te vas (pronounced [ˈpoɾke te βas]; Spanish for “Because you are leaving”) is a song by English-born Spanish singer Jeanette, written by José Luis Perales and produced by Rafael Trabucchelli for record label Hispavox in 1974.

Eliza Hull – Running Underwater