Elliott Smith

Elliott Smith Covers Project
When Kill Rock Stars started working on the 25th anniversary reissue of Elliott’s self titled album, we were thinking about how it could be fun to bring his music back into people’s lives in a way that was bigger than sharing the original recordings. We decided to ask a handful of artists to cover his songs in whatever manner made the most sense to them, including Marisa Anderson, MAITA, Palehound, Shaylee, Portland Cello Project, Prateek Kuhad Califone and Bonny Light Horseman. More will be announced as we make our way through the rest of the album.


Kill Rock Stars レーベルと言えば、エリオットスミス。2020年の創設25周年に Elliott Smith のリマスター盤をリリースした Kill Rock Stars レーベルが、そのまんま創設30周年までエリオットのリリース継続、カバーで続投。かっぱえびせんの「やめられない止まらない」みたいなものの言いようってうれしいことか哀しいことかさっぱりわからない。

Mary Lou Lord – My Buddy Valentine

From Mary Lou:

“I first heard “Some Song” among the many early Elliott songs. I am from Salem, MA, and Halloween has always been a big deal in my hometown. I chose “Some Song” because it’s so haunting, and also very human. I love this song because it’s slow-burning and very intense, and I think it describes a certain human condition of madness and normal. A mask, but one that can be removed or put on at any given time.”

Tele Novella – Paper Crown
Mi’ens – Mondlandung (from Future Child)
Kinski – Guest Girl Vocalist

Kill Rock Stars is an independent record label founded in 1991 by Slim Moon and Tinuviel Sampson, and based in both Olympia, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. The label has released a variety of work in different genres, but was originally known for its commitment to underground punk rock bands and the Olympia area music scene.

We are queer- positive, feminist, anti-racist, and artist-friendly. We put out music and other stuff. We came out of DIY punk culture and we still believe in a DIY ethos. Since 1991.  

Tele Novella – Words That Stay
MAITA – Someone’s Lost Their Goddamn Wallet
Elliott Smith – Between The Bars
Elliott Smith – because (Beatles cover)