Okay Kaya


Okay Kaya – Clenched Teeth

Her knees are bare knees
Are boys’ knees like a lanky teen’s
She keeps closed together when in company
I heard her explain once why through clenched teeth
But I can’t remember what for no more, more

Her hair is the color of her mind
Breathing from her head like a deep fire
It’s all the warmth she has inside
She can’t lock up no more

When she sleeps, she sleeps, she sleeps
So close to me in my dreams
She covers her lips round my pink ear
And whispers like a child
You burn me while I bury you alive

Her hair is the color of her mind
Breathing from her head like a deep fire
It’s all the warmth she has inside


OKAY KAYA – I’m Stupid (But I love You)

2016年あたりにブラックホールではないにせよ、落ち込みそうなシングル「重力のくそったれ」を発表してちょこちょこ話題になってた、ノルウェー出身の女性アーティスト(米ブルックリン在住)が昨年6月に暗澹なデビューアルバムBoth [Explicit]を放ちました。

その後。日光の銭湯でミュージックビデオ。湯でながしてでなおしてください。Okay Kaya – Ascend and Try Again

blow your nose gently
you shouldn’t ever feel pain
you could try wiggling
you could try swallowing
ascend and try again
mama said don’t
breathe under water
but now you’re doubling
the bars,
if there’s too much pressure
you need to stop and
ascend and try again

Okay Kaya – Baby Little Tween

Everything was under water
Not like ice but solid water
None of this stuff was there
But you were there and
Not the type you can float in
They say steam is the worst type of burn
Under your head was a pillow
And under your pillow was a tooth
And under the tooth was
If I could change everything I’d be a leather maker