corook – hell yeah (super wet version)

例の人気サイト tiktok で気になったアーティストは、corook さん(本名 Corinne Savage) 米ピッツバーグ発、オルタナポップコメディーなシンガーソングライター、27才。2022年デビュー。曲がごっつ繊細な印象なんだけどそのデブなお姿はきわめて太いむっちり極太。ニンニクと背脂がたっぷり入った二郎系の濃厚スープに似合いそう。マシマシです。プロフィールには、「corook aka Corinne Savage (yes that’s her real last name) is a singer, songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist and a huge f*ckin dork.」って書いてある。そのまんま読むと、でかくてしかもクソったれで救いようのないバカってことらしい。それだとただのバカなデブやないの。

corook aka Corinne Savage (yes that’s her real last name) is a singer, songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist and a huge f*ckin dork. No but seriously. She can solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute (depending on how she’s feeling that day.) This freckled chubby babe was born and raised just outside of downtown Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, where she grew up listening to Drake, Gwen Stefani and Mac Miller (RIP.) She went to a performing arts high school (yes, just like Victorious) where she came out as QUEERAF her senior year. She then went to Berklee College of Music (wow – Owen Wilson voice) and graduated with TWO degrees (barely.) Corinne currently resides in Nashville Tennessee (howdy.) She spends most of her time writing and producing music for her artist project “corook” (boop!) locked away in her room, alone (she blames it on Coronavirus but she’s actually just anti-social.) She’s co-written HIT songs like “I haven’t released any music yet” and is an Award winning Person of Doing Things. She turned 26 in January and she is VERY cute.

corook – it’s ok!

corook - BDSM

corook – sims

Eaves Wilder – Morning Rain

London-born-and-raised musician and producer Eaves Wilder presents her second single, “Morning Rain,” via her new label, Secretly Canadian. Wilder fuses “indie rock tropes with pop to create a raucous yet melodic sound” (Clash). While her first single, “I Stole Your Jumper,” was described as “cool and vengeful” (Brooklyn Vegan), “Morning Rain” airs more on the melancholic side. It finds the 19 year old toying with the struggle of returning to school. Growing up, Eaves spent more time doodling pianos in her workbooks than paying attention to her teachers. Frustrated with having to allow another person to take control of her day, she’d long to be at home, writing music in her bedroom. “For me, school was something that postponed life from starting. I spent the entire time trying to get out of it. You spend 18 years memorizing so much information and then they turn around and expect you to know who you are and what you want, but you’re not given a chance to really figure that out.”
