Chivvy – Kiddo

After becoming a duo this summer they are now working on new songs. The first single ‘Kiddo’, from the coming EP, is a song about when new love is too good to be true. And the all consuming infatuation maybe takes place in your head rather than in reality. The music, which was recorded and co-produced by Daniel ‘Fagge’ Fagerström (Viagra Boys, Jenny Wilson, Nina Kinert etc), is still as grand and dreamy as before.

オナベの季節になると急にせつなくなりますね。今回の Chivvy は、どう読んでいいのかわかりかねますが、スウェーデン、ヨーテボリ発、Warpaint, Beach House, Cocteau Twins, Massive Attack 志向の憂鬱なドリーミーがテンコ盛りの完全どんより曇り空ドリームポップ、夢見る女性トリオ。2021年にセルフタイトルアルバム「Chivvy」でデビュー。なんだけど実はデビューまえまでは「The Tape」というちがう名前で活動してた。つまり変名してのデビュー。しかもデビューしてから1年で1人減っていまはデュオ。あれこれ諸事情があるみたい。ノルディックでメランコリックでチャーミングなドリームポップはマツコデラックスの田園都市線嫌いくらい健在。初代仮面ライダーくらい健在。

CHIVVY – Deeper Blue 

‘Deeper Blue’ is a song about looking back on something that has been lost. The relationship that never became, the plans that never became or the dreams that no longer exist. It is a nostalgia trip to something that one misses and tried to save, but which may never have been meant for you. The video was all shoot in Super 8 film to intensify the feeling of nostalgia and loss.

CHIVVY started out as ‘The Tape’ and released an EP under that name. They have been seen on stages around Europe such as in Portugal, Norway, Germany, Kosovo, Croatia and on most of Sweden’s indie stages. The music is massive with a big sound and their dreamy music creates a feeling of both melancholy and hope.


もうひとつ、ブリストル発。dead again 愛と死の間で、っていうほど微妙に生に執着している美しいニューサイケデリック。あかんくらい伸び伸びに伸ばした「Dead, Again」は壊れてるかもしれません。

Jadu Heart – Dead, Again

Jadu Heart - Dead, Again

Cruel Sister – Chihiro (Dublin, Ireland) 「girls my age EP」収録曲

Wandering child
You look lost
Where are your parents
Don’t eat their food
You’ll turn into a pig
And they’ll eat you whole