Glaring – Throw Your Dreams Into Space

Glaring - Throw Your Dreams Into Space

Death Hags – Star Operator

Take me to the star
Where I want to be
Stranger places
Unaccounted for
Simply waiting
Me & you
Waiting on a star
The madness in your heart
Does it ever sing
All the danger
Makes you stronger for
Another way to live
Separating Me
Waiting on a star
What if we don’t wake up
If we never succeed
What if it’s not enough
And we were meant to be
Waiting on a star

ロサンジェルス発スターゲイザー。Alternative, Noir Pop , Dark Ambient

これまでに宇宙をテーマにしたドリームポップをチロチロ掲載したことがありますが今回は宇宙航空研究開発機構( JAXAジャクサ )の若田光一・宇宙飛行士(59)ら4人を乗せた米スペースX社のファルコン9ロケットが5日正午(日本時間6日午前1時)、米フロリダ州ケネディ宇宙センターから打ち上げられたようなので space debris をあつめてました。

Ságan – Polvo

BSI – Old Moon

LAのフォークシンガーソングライター Lael Neale が、サブポップとサインをして新曲 「Every Star Shivers In The Dark」 をリリースしたのは2021年。

Lael Neale – Every Star Shivers In The Dark

Every star shivers in the dark
I’ve been shooting with a heavy, heavy heart

Talking to losers at the stadium
Telling ‘em it’s alright
Let’s have some fun
Why can’t I have some fun?
Why can’t I have some fun?

Shaping the clay in the dark pre-dawn
God made man to love someone
Why can’t I love someone?
Why can’t I love someone?
I’d like to love someone

Making my way through the grocery
Talking to the man at the cash machine
I work in service too
So I feel for you
I work in sеrvice too

Alameda Street-side prison towеr
A man pressed his hands on the window
I waved a little while
I waved a little while
I waved a little while

The shape of your face in the dark pre-dawn
All I want to do is love someone
Why can’t I love someone?
Why can’t I love someone?
Why can’t I love someone?

Sailors seek harbor on a lone seashore
Leaving the known for something more
I am a pilgrim too
I am a pilgrim too
I might be leaving you ‘cause I am a pilgrim too

Machine-made lap of luxury
I’m torn between the town and country
I’m gonna get real old
Go watch a garden grow
I’m gonna get real old

DEWEY – Bent Star
Lael Neale

Courtney Nord – Dreamer