Claude Fontaine’s Transportive Songs are for Crate-Diggers
The Los Angeles singer announces her self-titled debut LP and shares the mesmerizing single Pretending He Was You

Claude Fontaine – Pretending He Was You

Los Angeles-based songwriter and singer, Claude Fontaine, announces her debut, self-@tled album, out April 26th on Innova@ve Leisure (LA-based label who has worked with the likes of BADBADNOTGOOD, Rhye, Allah-Las, Nosaj Thing, Hanni El Kha@b, Nick Waterhouse, Classixx, etc). Today, she shares lead single, Pretending He Was You, which premiered this morning via Noisey.


Last month, Fontaine presented listeners with early single “Cry For Another”, a track praised by the Los Angeles Times as “a straight-up rocksteady song that conjures the essence of Kingston, Jamaica, in the late 1960s” and a wonderful early warning of what’s to come. Fontaine even made a special appearance at Ulla Johnson’s New York Fashion Week show in support of the single; Johnson, immediately upon hearing the track, personal reached out to Fontaine to perform it. A love song to classic reggae and Brazilian music, Claude Fontaine is an album honoring that feeling of finding a home away from home. Fontaine wrote and demoed her debut album a^er living in London off Portobello Road and stumbling into Honest Jon’s, a long-lived spot for fringe records collected from the furthest edges of the world.

フォンテーヌのシャンプーは楽天で買えるがフォンテーヌじたいは生え際が自然なかんじの女性用ウィッグ。アデランスが展開する女性向け既製品ウィッグのことだす。英語読みはフォンテイン。音楽系・自称フォンテーヌのなかではブリジット (Brigitte Fontaine) が居座ってます。

Claude Fontaine is an American girl with a French name who never felt like she fit in anywhere she happened to call home, and one particular year she was awash in a grey London fog that matched the fog and grey in her own too-recently broken heart. While living right off Portobello Road, she stumbled into the record store down the street. And in a flash of luck—or fate—that particular record store turned out to be Honest Jon’s, a long-lived spot for records collected from the furthest edges of the world. She’d never heard those old Studio One and Trojan and Treasure Isle reggae and rocksteady and dub records before—the same records that got the Clash covering “Police And Thieves,” and the Slits sharing a bill with Steel Pulse. 

とんでもない名盤です!! 傷心中にフラフラと立ち寄ったレコードショップでたまたま遭遇したレゲエやボサノバに心を打ち抜かれたClaude Fontaine!!! マイルスデイヴィスの作品への参加などでも知られるアイアートモレイラをはじめとする大御所たちに囲まれて美しいウィスパーヴォイスで歌います。A面はレゲエ、B面はボッサ、ブラジリアンな構成になってます。心で感じる一枚です◎

ありとあらゆるレコードが揃う、ロンドンの老舗Honest Jon’sに足繁く通いつめスタジオ・ワン、トロージャン、トレジャー・アイルに魅了された彼女の甘い声で歌われたレゲエ/ロックステディにとどまらず、ボサノヴァ、MPBをクロス・オーヴァーした楽曲たちと、それを彩る錚々たるゲスト・ミュージシャン陣による演奏との2019年とは思えない邂逅に酔いしれて欲しい。


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